Thursday, October 18, 2007

Money Must Come - Blogging for Dollars 1

Welcome to my blog!!! Together we will learn step by step the hows of making money by blogging. We will start with the basics and work towards mastery.
Let start with the obvious; what is a blog? From Wikipedia - A blog (a portmanteau of web log ) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. Huh???? A blog is simply a website where people can share information about Anything they want, without knowing html or other programming languages. It is the easiest way to publish information on the web. What I like about blogs is that they have a "do it yourself" type of feel to them. You don't need to have a phd to use one either and best of all they are FREE!!!!!!
What do I blog about? What are you passionate about? What gets your "motor" running? If you had no concerns about "bills" and did not have to "work" to earn a living what would you do? Whatever that thing is that causes you to loss sense of time, that what you should blog about. You can even blog about something that you would like to know more about. The key is to blog about something so that you can develop the habit of blogging. This skill set will help you create Good Content which will be a crucial element in Making $$$$ from your blog. Naturally you will want to find a "niche"(which will be explain fully in another posts) that you can blog about. But first things first!! Create a account with any blog hosting site and start blogging!!!!!!